a few words about
our values
We achieve these aims by extending our values into creating quality projects that we are proud of and that work! Our values are at the forefront of our practice:
Understanding the Complexity of Change
The recognition that change is hard and complex and that perseverance and patience is vital for lasting change.
Changing the Conversation around Punishment
To offer a non-punitive culture of communicating and understanding.
Improving Quality
The collective ambition to promote a ‘healthy’ prison, promoting quality interactions and using prison as an opportunity to create a safe environment to grow in.
Social Justice
The belief that everyone has the right to rehabilitation, respect and decency.
Reducing Harm
The drive to reduce harm within the prison environment by altering the contextual environment.
Developing Autonomy and Empowering People
The belief that everyone in prison deserves opportunities to grow, to be listened to, to have a voice, to have choices and the opportunities to build social and human capital through the building of meaningful relationships.
Understanding people
The recognition that everyone needs to be ‘seen’, so that a deep and diverse understanding of different cultures, genders, sexuality, capabilities, skills, strengths and needs can be sought.
Making Prison Meaningful
The belief that prison can be meaningful through building trust, having an individualised approach, and developing positive relationships to understand what brings meaning to prisoners. This is believed to promote positive identities through a strength-based approach.