PRS Growth Project
By Celine Gurung (Intern)
The PRS Growth Project was developed by Dr Sarah Lewis following an extensive two year research project that was carried out on the Norwegian prison system. It was developed by analysing the different penal practices in Norway and examining what works for those living and working in prison to promote growth. From this research project, the following Principles of Growth was established to develop the people, organisations and the communities:
Figure 1: The Principles of Growth
The Growth Project does not solely focus on rehabilitation of prisoners. Rather, it aims to create a rehabilitative environment in prisons by focusing on cultural change and includes not only the prisoners, but their families, staff, and communities. The project focuses on celebrating success, learning from mistakes, and working together to create sustainable solutions to make prisons meaningful spaces. The purpose of the Growth Project is to improve the overall environment of prison for all those impacted by the experience, including staff, prisoners, families, and the wider community. It aims to identify individual needs of each prison and implement appropriate changes in practice to improve the overall prison environment and culture.
The Growth Project is implemented on three levels:
Level 1: Understanding People
In order to carry out The Growth Project, a detailed needs based analysis is carried out to understand the current prison environment by engaging all service users, and the staff through an appreciative inquiry. This is carried out via focus groups, information conversations and interviews to ensure everyones views are being heard. It aims to outline the plan of action by analysing the needs of the community and by examining how practices can be developed in the future to address those needs, and to further promote growth. The needs analysis is reviewed every six months for new emerging needs, in addition to ensuring the existing needs are being met and addressed.
Level 2: Creating Meaningful Change
Following the completion of level 1, the information collected is then used to make a positive impact within the prison institution by designing a set of solutions that addresses the specific needs of the prison to co-construct a Growth environment by integrating the Principles of Growth. In doing so, a rehabilitative climate is established and supports the staff and the service users in continuous improvement. The support provided is reviewed periodically over the period of implementation, and each progress is celebrated. Whilst the solutions may differ depending the prisons and their needs, The Growth Project is standardised to an extent.
Level 3: Sustaining and Embedding Growth
The final stage of the project involves empowering the staff by handing over the responsibility of The Growth Project to the staff to create a sustainable system that promotes a rehabilitative environment and growth culture. The practice manual and handbook is compiled at this stage to provide guidelines and allowing the staff to take the responsibility to lead The Growth Project within their institution, and creates cultural norms that is also owned by the community. In doing so, it empowers not only the staff, but also the community as leaders.
PRS aims to collectively bring about lasting change to the criminal justice services that is meaningful and purposeful by focusing on inclusivity through collaboration. Thus, The Growth Project is a participatory project that heavily involves the service users and the staff in the design, implementation and analysis of the project. In doing so, this approach empowers both the service users and the staff by respecting and listening to their views, and involving them in the entire process. This ensures a sustainable growth culture is possible, whereby the issues and needs of the prison institution are addressed. Inevitably, this improves staff satisfaction, well-being and retention, thus further creating a healthy environment for the prison to promote rehabilitation.
The Growth Project at HMP Hewell
HMP Hewell is one of the three prisons in the UK that have currently hosted a Growth Project. In 2020, level 1 (a needs analysis) was carried out whereby 265 staff participated in a total of 53 focus groups, interviews and online surveys. It was carried out to gain an understanding on the key needs of staff as a collective, their wellbeing, relationships and the culture at HMP Hewell.
The needs analysis identified the following key themes associated to the staff:
- Closure
- Clear identity
- Inclusive and healthy relationships
- Authentic leadership
- Fairness and equality
- Clarity and understanding
- Growth and investment
- Greater meaning in work
A great emphasis was placed improving the working conditions for the staff, the need for a more inclusive and healthy relationships and a greater need for a positive identity to ensure staff retention. It was also identified that a culture of understanding is required by developing a fair process to promote equality, and by creating a collective vision that acknowledges each of the staff and the importance of their roles in the rehabilitative practices.
The Growth Project Team at HMP Hewell started level 2 in January 2021. However, due to COVID, the project experienced significant restrictions, affecting the momentum of the project. Despite these challenges, HMP Hewell have made considerable improvements. COVID has allowed the staff to reflect on their work and learn, and consider their own role within the rehabilitative vision.
The Growth Project has had a positive impact on the staff at HMP Hewell, with greater emphasis placed on staff investment to promote staff growth and development, further contributing to a clear and positive identity of the staff. The environment at HMP Hewell has changed significantly for the better, with higher levels of staff engagement with prisoners, a greater acceptance towards The Growth Project and a commitment to the rehabilitative vision.